Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New Stake Primary Presidents

Just called as a Stake Primary President?

Then this post is for you!!

Firstly, this is awesome and just trust the Lord that you can do this!!

Here is some helpful suggestions that I have from my own experience:

What you may want to do...

1. Read Handbook 2-
Yes, you already did this? OK, now do it often, maybe everyday for a few months. 

2. Submit your councilor and secretary names:
A rule of thumb is to ask for name suggestions and try not to pull all from the same ward if you can help it. If you are in over your head you can request that your High Councilor contact ward Bishops for their suggestions. Pray and read your scriptures the answers will come. You can do this!

3.Once your ladies are called:
CALL THEM!! IF they call you the second they are called, that's totally ok, but for sure you need to call them on the phone the day they are called!! Don't wait! Introduce yourself and let them know when the first meeting will be and if there is any immediate needs coming up like Day Camps, Auxiliary Training or COR baptisms. (Child of Record)

4. Plan a head for your first meeting!!
Email your items of topic to your new secretary. (If you don't yet have one that's ok you make the notes yourself.) Email or call to make meeting assignments. Its always best if you arrive 15 mins early so you can feel prepared and calm. Always invite your High Councilman to every meeting, even if he can't always come.

The agenda could include:

  1. Opening Prayer- by assignment
  2. Thought -by you (2-3 minutes. You usual "go to" will be the prophetic priorities meaning recent conference talks)
  3. Training from handbook 2 - (5 mins or less)- by assignment
  4. Introductions:  First, let everyone know what time you'd like the meeting to end so they can help you end on time. Then, starting with you give a short 5 mins or less introduction about yourself, then go around the room.
  5. Establish role assignments: for example a typical American Stake would have: 11 yr olds, Activity Days, Cub Scouts. I love 11 yr olds so I was over that and then I assigned out the other two assignments to my councilors. Usually you do not assign more than one per person. Please remember this is up to your discretion. Feel free to delegate as you see fit.
  6. Calendar items: Usually have 3-6 months of dates at a time on your agenda so you know what is happening next. Don't forget to add in things like monthly BSA Unit Commissioner's meetings and monthly district BSA Roundtable if you have those in your area. COR baptisms should always be listed. 
  7. Further decisions and event planing. Try to do these one at a time. Come up with your theme and your assignments. This is also the time to discuss budget. Discuss when the next meeting will be.
  8. Closing prayer- by assignment

So here is the tricky part:

As a rule of thumb you want your meetings to be short and effective. It's your job to keep this meeting moving along in a timley manner. Give yourself a time limit of 1 hour. If you go slightly over that is ok but...

--> That's poor time management and you are taking women out of their homes for too long. You will find that the more you pre-plan for your meeting the more quick and effective it can become. 

You got GABBERS ? That's OK! Be kind but then tell them, "Ok ladies, We need to move on."

Hope this helps!! 

Now go have some fun!! 
  • update your LDS TOOLS profile picture and contact information
  • bring a treat to your first meeting
  • Ask if you can be present for each councilor's setting apart
  • give everyone a BIG HUG!!

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