Friday, April 8, 2016

Stake or Ward Mission Call Adventure

Have you ever heard of a Mission Call Adventure

 It's an event where you send lots of little Primary kiddos to "Missions", (classes) all about that specific mission.  

(IF you don't know what a mission is click here: .)

Okay so lets start sharing the details of this epic adventure!

Step 1. Ask for permission to hold the event & then round up former missionaries to teach the classes.

 ALWAYS: Ask the Bishop or a Bishopric member for names they might suggest.  
PLEASE, don't just go around asking for volunteers off the cuff. Members you might think have served a mission may in fact did not and you don't want to bring up something that could be a painful reminder. Also, not every person who served should be teaching children. A recommendation is the best for success.

Step 2. Set a date, Schedule the building and Send out the requests

I like a formal in person or in voice contact WITH a detailed email so that after the contact is over they have all the information they will ever need to know. 
(I will attach my generic email at the bottom of this post that you can build from.)

Step 3. Round up Helpers! 

 You need a music leader and a pianist or a Primary music CD and about 4 volunteers to man the check in desk. Make sure you ask at least 2 priesthood members to help you clean up and lock up.

Step 4. Send out fliers and reminders!! 

Hit the ward bulletins and give small 1/4 page hand outs.

Here is a Banner I had printed for the out side picture taking area together with a giant map.

Step 5. Pregame Set Up! 

Get yourself there an hour early. Set up chairs in the cultural hall and create a check in desk. Have the teachers arrive 30 minutes early to set up.
As the kids come in and they are distributed evenly among the classes by utilizing several clip boards with the numbered amount the mission room holds. They write the child's name on a name tag and on the clip board showing which class they will be in. The name tag works best when it is color coded as some kids will forget which mission was assigned to them. They then go into the cultural hall to sing songs with the music leader until the event formally begins.

 Step 6. Begin the Event, in the MTC!

The missionary training center begins in the cultural hall. You always start off with a song and a prayer!! At some point you MUST sing Called to Serve. Give an MTC training session by explaining the event, what will happen and then the rules. Explain what happens when there is a problem or emergency situation. Share with them your testimony. Be heartfelt and sincere. You can even ask to have the full-time missionaries in your area give them a 2-3 minute pep talk. 
 (Short because generally with Primary kids, the larger the crowd the shorter the attention span because of all the distractions.)
The Teachers of the Missions will also be in the gym too and you will ask them to come up one by one. 
You will say, 
"All those with a pink name tag, your flight to Japan with Sis. Lee is now boarding."

Then have them line up behind the teacher. The teacher will instruct them to put their arms out like the plane wings and they will proceed to fly to the classroom.
Then repeat until the gym is empty.

Step 7. Make sure they get home safely.

Have the teachers help with this. Feel free to involve the young men and young women in your ward or stake.


Email for teachers: Just copy and paste!

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

If you are reading this then someone told me that you might be willing to teach Primary aged kids in our stake about your mission experience!!
Step 1. Check your schedule and see if Saturday, **Insert DATE**, 1pm to 3pm is open for you.
Step 2. Evaluate if this is something you would be willing to do by reading the itinerary below.
Step 3. Reply yes or no to this email before March 23rd (and remind me where you served.)

Thanks so very much,
*insert your name*

--------READ BELOW,--------------- THEN REPLY BACK !!---------------------

Our Primary is having its annual Mission Call Adventure for all Primary ages kids!!
If you are receiving this email it's because you are valiantly willing to teach 2 rotating classes about your mission on:

**Insert DATE**- 1pm to 3pm at the Stake building

THANK YOU for being willing to teach the primary children about the importance of going on a mission! 

Who can go: All primary age Children 5 to 11. (3 & 4 yr olds must be accompanied by an adult.)
Where: Stake Building
What is happening: 
Children will receive a mission call to a certain mission. (Name tag sticker). They will meet together in the gym for songs and short MTC training, then be escorted to one of the 7 or 8 missions. They will listen and participate in a 40 minute class. Then they can go home!

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: -Brenner Pass, Sierra Vista, Mountain Vista
  *** after class you have a 20 min break to help with pick up ***
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm- Skyline, Stone Creek, Morning Sun
***Your class begins at 2:20***

You will be teaching a 40 min class!! Don't freak out on how to do this! I've got a plan!! I bet you will tell me afterwards it wasn't long enough time!!

Detailed Itinerary:

1. The assignment of where they will "go" will be handed out as they come into the building so class size will be distributed evenly but unable to go over that certain room's capacity. They will also be given an official looking name tag sticker! (From my past experience I expect about 1/4 of each primary to attend so I doubt we will be at a busting full capacity.) We will encourage parents to dress up kids but will not require it. 
2. We will gather together in the cultural hall, where we will sing songs until the opening  prayer and then sing "Called to Serve". After we offer a small lesson the children will line up to board their "flight" and follow you to your class!
The time break down will be on a sheet hanging up in your assigned room, (please bring something to watch the time on!)
4. After your class, the children will go to the east foyer for parent pick up. Please help with this by making sure all kids get back to their parent. After this come join us in the gym and get ready to grab your last group.
5. Repeat 4 again and then you are Done!

Your 40 minute Class!! :

(-Here's my suggestions, feel free to make your own plan)

A. First 5 minutes:
-Welcome to the place!!
Items to Discuss: climate - daily life- culture - income - clothing - differences/similarities of here to there - language/accents - leisure activities on P-day- ect.

B. Main 20 minutes:
Mission slide show, pictures (8x10's or larger are seen better!!), lds hymn in another language, or a short language lesson:
A perfect slide show example can be found :
I can not guarantee you will get a tv, or even internet connection so just make sure you make your own arrangements if you want to do this.
I also encourage you to share hand outs or other things that they can have if you'd like. I'm really flexible on this. Bring everything you have from your mission and show it off!

C. Fun 5 minutes:
Physical activity: Bring your own "investigator", do charades, play a game, stick a short sentence with a picture on the underside of the chairs and have kids share what they find under their chairs as if it "happened" to them on the mission and ask what they would do about it. (ie: something funny or heart warming or a problem you encountered.) There are only 1 million ideas...use the internet!!

D. Ending 10 minutes:
Wrap up, SHARE TESTIMONY!! Share stories, share the Spirit!! Use the SCRIPTURES!!!  Your purpose is to excite and promote mission service!
---PLEASE---> leave out scary or negative stories!!!

ALL room assignments are:

  1. Relief Society Room -80 seats- color code RED - Sis. Code- France
  2. Primary Room - 70 seats- color code-ORANGE -Sis. Lee- Japan
  3. 2 Young Men's Rooms - 30 seats - color code- GREEN- Bro.Johnson- Brazil
  4. Young Women's Room -50 seats -color code YELLOW - Sis.Shumway- Alabama- 
  5. Stage - 45 seats- color code BLUE - Bro. Cluff - South Africa
  6. 2 Rooms North of Primary - 30 seats- color code BROWN Bro. Bury- Moscow, Russia-
  7. 2 Nursery Rooms near Gym - 20 seats -color code PURPLE -Bro. Rosen- Spain
  8. 1 Young Mens's Room SW corner - 20 seats - color code PINK -Sis. Hale- Germany
If you have further questions ask away!! If you need ideas or decorating tips please don't hesitate to ask!! If you need to back out I won't be upset just let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!!

 Here is a sample sign in: Just make sure you distribute kiddos evenly between the missions.
Leave a Comment if you have done this adventure and what worked well for you!


  1. AMAZING! Thank you for so many details I will definitely be using all this info in the future! I am so glad to have amazing people like you to post things for me to steal 😘

  2. Thank you so much for sharing all of this!!! The missionary video was really helpful.Thank you.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing all of this!!! The missionary video was really helpful.Thank you.
