Wednesday, April 6, 2016


So this was how I did my Stake Cub day camp. This is NOT how you have to do yours.
Unless you went to a giant huge BSA training on Day Camps you probably shouldn't be calling it a BSA Day Camp, a Day Clinic would be more appropriate or a Stake Day Camp... but I'm not judging here!! I've called it both.

Here was how I did it! Firstly, This is a STAKE event. watering it down to include all faiths so you can invite local non-LDS units is NOT, I repeat NOT what you were called to do. (In my opinion of coarse! ;-)

I started off by pulling out a FAITH IN GOD BOOK!  -> yep you heard me!
Try to focus on all the items that could earn the religious square knot! Then pull out those cub books and see what adventures you'd like to set your sights on. I like to focus on ones that might cost the wards money like building items.

Next be prayerful and decide a theme to follow, one that can be fun and spiritual!
Then using the planning guide I posted a while ago, have a meeting to plan out when and where the event will happen.
Decide how many classes you want to have in multiples of 3. (Why 3? Answer: 3 dens, Wolf's, Bears, Webelos)
Find a fun way to incorporate the class with the theme. (Ie: Webelos Stronger faster higher Adventure we called: Spy Training and the First Responder Adventure we called Agent Down.)

Find teachers for the classes.

Make a class list break down of the times. Here is a sample of what I did for each den last year:
My 2015 theme was based on Secret Agents, "Becoming Agents of the Lord" from D&C 64:29 .

We combined it with 2 Nephi 2:27
-Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.

SEND OUT THE NEWS!! Fliers and emails! POSTERS!!

So the night before you bring everything down to the church and try to get things all set up. Make copies, get tables where they need to be. Don't forget to schedule to have your priesthood there! 

At the very beginning of the day we had a check in desk. It helps you to take attendance, one clip board for each ward. 

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It would be then you can have scouts turn in a photo release if your Stake Presidency approves that. Also, be careful on posting anything with a Scout's face unless you have a photo release...honestly, just try to avoid the face posting at all costs. 

Here is a copy of one of mine that I made.
FUN FACTOID: I only post pictures of children who are mine or I am related to. There is always a way to take pictures to show the event but not the faces!

 So as you can obviously see, I invited a local fire department. Do not ask them to teach a class 100% as they may have to come and go several times (which ours did)  but we learned so much from them while they were there and they came back at lunch for all the boys to see the fire engine.

 Thanks to our Young Men's President for teaching this class. It's so nice for auxiliaries to support each other!!

 Fun with a purpose should be the whole point of this day so please make sure that the beginning of each class has a short devotional gospel tie!!

The bring a lunch to cook works great for 11 yr olds but not so much for the cubs. IT's either bring a lunch or provide. We had a cooking trailer come for the boys to use. (Owned by my high councilman)   Only one ward came prepared to use it. So I probably don't recommend that you try this.

If you have any ideas to add to this or questions leave me a comment!

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