Friday, April 29, 2016

New Primary Presidents

So you are a new Primary President?
Well yay! This post is for you!

First you need need to check out this link:

and then here some resources that can be found here:

Please start reading Section 11 of Handbook 2:

Thanks are in order!

Thank your Heavenly Father for the unbelievable chance to join the league of extraordinary women.
If you do this right you will never go a day with out Primary on your brain but the BLESSINGS will be poured out on you like monsoon rain!! 
This will be alot like serving a full time mission but trust me you can do this. The Lord can qualify you if you let Him.


1. Call your councilors
Acquiring the personal revelation needed to accomplish this will take time. You need to try to make peace with yourself that you will fail a few times. It will not be easy. 

2. Meet with the previous Primary President-
She will have so much to offer you so listen up and TAKE NOTES! It will be a lot like drinking from a fire hydrant but trust me your notes will save you.

3. Call your councilors up the day they are called. Don't wait. If they call you before the official call that's OK but make sure you call them up right away. tell them when the first meeting will be.

4. Call your Stake Primary President and tell her the good news. Usually they always last to know things like this so call them right up. She might/should have a training with you to prepare you for your new calling.

5. Decide how often you will need to meet. Meeting once a week is honestly a little too much but once a month might not cut it.
If you have less than 20 kids a once a month meeting might be OK for you. If you have 150 -200 kids you will need to meet more, maybe twice a month or more. 

My favorite way to do this was the first week of each month we would go out "two by two" (Secretary & president, 1st & 2nd councilor) each group would do a door drop by visiting 2 families. (sometime we took a little sticker or book mark) Then after we would meet for a short meeting at the church. (You can visit new comers, those who are sick or less active or anyone really.)
Then week 3 we would meet formally at the church and we would invite the Bishopric member (over primary) to all of our meetings just in case he would like to drop in and attend.

6. At your first meeting:

The agenda could include:

  1. Opening Prayer- by assignment
  2. Thought -by you (2-3 minutes. You usual "go to" will be the prophetic priorities meaning recent conference talks)
  3. Training from handbook 2 - (5 mins or less)- by assignment
  4. Introductions:  First, let everyone know what time you'd like the meeting to end so they can help you end on time. Then, starting with you give a short 5 mins or less introduction about yourself, then go around the room.
  5. Establish role assignments: for example a typical American Primary would have: 11 yr olds, Activity Days, Cub Scouts. I love 11 yr olds so I was over that and then I assigned out the other two assignments to my councilors. Usually you do not assign more than one per person. Please remember this is up to your discretion. Feel free to delegate as you see fit. I also divided up our Sunday Sharing time teaching rotation (Which does not include the secretary). I also divided up our Sunday School areas to watch over. Nursery, Junior and Senior. As you delegate you will see just how powerful a properly functioning presidency can be.
  6. Calendar items: Usually have 3-6 months of dates at a time on your agenda so you know what is happening next. Don't forget to add in things like ward council, Stake auxiliary training and ward conference COR baptisms should always be listed. Always have a list of those who are aging out of Primary.
  7. Further decisions and event planing. Try to do these one at a time. Come up with your theme and your assignments. This is also the time to discuss budget. Discuss when the next meeting will be.
  8. Closing prayer- by assignment
There is so much to keep track of! 
So don't freak out! You will have to learn as you go and that's OK!

----------------> Keep reading Handbook 2 <--------------



People always say that the priorities go 
1.God  2. Spouse 3. Children 
And when people misinterpret this they think 
"Oh this means my church calling comes first." 
Well not necessarily. 

Your Heavenly Father wants you to take care of the Holy callings He has given you IN ORDER!! 

1st) Your calling as a wife. 2nd) Your calling as a mother. 

3rd) Your calling as Primary President & visiting teacher

I have seen several divorces over this one issue but lets be clear your family MUST come first. No calling is worth loosing your family over. So seek Ye first the Kingdom of God by establishing that your callings must be carried out in order of importance. 
Be realistic, if you visit teach 4 ladies you might need to ask to have that scaled back a bit to maybe 2.

 Your call to serve is a triangle: Your husband can help you and be your support in primary as you serve him and ask him a head of time for help and be considerate of his needs. Be polite and don't offer his service unless you have asked him first.  

ps. If you are a Primary president who isn't married, you my dear are AMAZING!!


In closing:

Obey the rules and stick to the curriculum:

In his April 2013 talk Elder Richard G. Scott said,
"I have learned a truth that has been repeated so frequently in my life that I have come to know it as an absolute law. It defines the way obedience and service relate to the power of God. When we obey the commandments of the Lord and serve His children unselfishly, the natural consequence is power from God—power to do more than we can do by ourselves. Our insights, our talents, our abilities are expanded because we receive strength and power from the Lord."

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