Friday, April 29, 2016

New Primary Presidents

So you are a new Primary President?
Well yay! This post is for you!

First you need need to check out this link:

and then here some resources that can be found here:

Please start reading Section 11 of Handbook 2:

Thanks are in order!

Thank your Heavenly Father for the unbelievable chance to join the league of extraordinary women.
If you do this right you will never go a day with out Primary on your brain but the BLESSINGS will be poured out on you like monsoon rain!! 
This will be alot like serving a full time mission but trust me you can do this. The Lord can qualify you if you let Him.


1. Call your councilors
Acquiring the personal revelation needed to accomplish this will take time. You need to try to make peace with yourself that you will fail a few times. It will not be easy. 

2. Meet with the previous Primary President-
She will have so much to offer you so listen up and TAKE NOTES! It will be a lot like drinking from a fire hydrant but trust me your notes will save you.

3. Call your councilors up the day they are called. Don't wait. If they call you before the official call that's OK but make sure you call them up right away. tell them when the first meeting will be.

4. Call your Stake Primary President and tell her the good news. Usually they always last to know things like this so call them right up. She might/should have a training with you to prepare you for your new calling.

5. Decide how often you will need to meet. Meeting once a week is honestly a little too much but once a month might not cut it.
If you have less than 20 kids a once a month meeting might be OK for you. If you have 150 -200 kids you will need to meet more, maybe twice a month or more. 

My favorite way to do this was the first week of each month we would go out "two by two" (Secretary & president, 1st & 2nd councilor) each group would do a door drop by visiting 2 families. (sometime we took a little sticker or book mark) Then after we would meet for a short meeting at the church. (You can visit new comers, those who are sick or less active or anyone really.)
Then week 3 we would meet formally at the church and we would invite the Bishopric member (over primary) to all of our meetings just in case he would like to drop in and attend.

6. At your first meeting:

The agenda could include:

  1. Opening Prayer- by assignment
  2. Thought -by you (2-3 minutes. You usual "go to" will be the prophetic priorities meaning recent conference talks)
  3. Training from handbook 2 - (5 mins or less)- by assignment
  4. Introductions:  First, let everyone know what time you'd like the meeting to end so they can help you end on time. Then, starting with you give a short 5 mins or less introduction about yourself, then go around the room.
  5. Establish role assignments: for example a typical American Primary would have: 11 yr olds, Activity Days, Cub Scouts. I love 11 yr olds so I was over that and then I assigned out the other two assignments to my councilors. Usually you do not assign more than one per person. Please remember this is up to your discretion. Feel free to delegate as you see fit. I also divided up our Sunday Sharing time teaching rotation (Which does not include the secretary). I also divided up our Sunday School areas to watch over. Nursery, Junior and Senior. As you delegate you will see just how powerful a properly functioning presidency can be.
  6. Calendar items: Usually have 3-6 months of dates at a time on your agenda so you know what is happening next. Don't forget to add in things like ward council, Stake auxiliary training and ward conference COR baptisms should always be listed. Always have a list of those who are aging out of Primary.
  7. Further decisions and event planing. Try to do these one at a time. Come up with your theme and your assignments. This is also the time to discuss budget. Discuss when the next meeting will be.
  8. Closing prayer- by assignment
There is so much to keep track of! 
So don't freak out! You will have to learn as you go and that's OK!

----------------> Keep reading Handbook 2 <--------------



People always say that the priorities go 
1.God  2. Spouse 3. Children 
And when people misinterpret this they think 
"Oh this means my church calling comes first." 
Well not necessarily. 

Your Heavenly Father wants you to take care of the Holy callings He has given you IN ORDER!! 

1st) Your calling as a wife. 2nd) Your calling as a mother. 

3rd) Your calling as Primary President & visiting teacher

I have seen several divorces over this one issue but lets be clear your family MUST come first. No calling is worth loosing your family over. So seek Ye first the Kingdom of God by establishing that your callings must be carried out in order of importance. 
Be realistic, if you visit teach 4 ladies you might need to ask to have that scaled back a bit to maybe 2.

 Your call to serve is a triangle: Your husband can help you and be your support in primary as you serve him and ask him a head of time for help and be considerate of his needs. Be polite and don't offer his service unless you have asked him first.  

ps. If you are a Primary president who isn't married, you my dear are AMAZING!!


In closing:

Obey the rules and stick to the curriculum:

In his April 2013 talk Elder Richard G. Scott said,
"I have learned a truth that has been repeated so frequently in my life that I have come to know it as an absolute law. It defines the way obedience and service relate to the power of God. When we obey the commandments of the Lord and serve His children unselfishly, the natural consequence is power from God—power to do more than we can do by ourselves. Our insights, our talents, our abilities are expanded because we receive strength and power from the Lord."

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

LDS Fundraiser 101

FUNDRAISING 101 ...just sit tight while I get through the disclaimer!!

Before I start this I want to reference 13.2.8 & 13.6.8 in Handbook 2 and remind EVERYONE that I DO NOT SPEAK FOR THE CHURCH!:

13.2.8 Funding for Activities

Leaders ensure that expenses for activities are in accordance with the current budget and finance policies of the Church. The following principles apply.
Most activities should be simple and have little or no cost. Expenditures must be approved by the stake presidency or bishopric before they are incurred.
Stake and ward budget funds should be used to pay for all activities, programs, and supplies. Members should not pay fees to participate. Nor should they provide materials, supplies, rental or admission fees, or long-distance transportation at their own expense. Activities in which members provide food may be held if doing so does not place undue burdens on them.
    Possible exceptions to the funding policy in the preceding paragraph are listed below. If the ward budget does not have sufficient funds to pay for the following activities, leaders may ask participants to pay for part or all of them:
  1. One annual extended Scout camp or similar activity for young men.
  2. One annual young women camp or similar activity.
  3. One annual day camp or similar activity for Primary children ages 8 through 11.
  4. Optional activities as outlined in 13.5.
If funds from participants are not sufficient, the bishop may authorize one group fund-raising activity annually that complies with the guidelines in 13.6.8.
In no case should the expenses or travel for an annual camp or similar activity be excessive. Nor should the lack of personal funds prohibit a member from participating.

13.6. 8 Fund-Raising Activities

    Fund-raising activities are not usually approved because expenses for stake and ward activities are paid with budget funds. As an exception, a stake president or bishop may authorize one group fund-raising activity each year. Such an activity may be held to raise funds for the following purposes only:
  1. To help pay the cost of one annual camp or similar activity as outlined in 13.2.8.
  2. To help purchase equipment that the unit needs for annual camps as outlined in 13.2.9.
If a fund-raising activity is held, it should provide a meaningful value or service. It should be a positive experience that builds unity.
Contributions to fund-raising activities are voluntary. Priesthood leaders should take special care to ensure that members do not feel obligated to contribute.
Stakes and wards that sponsor fund-raising activities should not advertise or solicit beyond their boundaries. Nor should they sell products or services door to door.

    Examples of fund-raising activities that are not approved include:
  1. Activities that would be taxable.
  2. Activities completed with paid labor, either by employees or by contract.
  3. Entertainment for which the stake or ward pays performers for their services, when admission is charged, and when the intent of the activity is to raise funds.
  4. The sale of commercial goods or services, including food storage items.
  5. Games of chance, such as raffles, lotteries, and bingo.
Any exceptions to these instructions must be approved by a member of the Presidency of the Seventy or the Area Presidency.
The Friends of Scouting fund drive in the United States will continue as a separate, voluntary solicitation.  -end of excerpt-

so ME again, I also need you to read this page:

BSA offers guidance on individual Scout accounts



Money raised in the name of Scouting that isn’t used for Scouting is a definite no-no.


Done? Good Now Let's TALK TURKEY!



Basically, you could have one fundraiser a year and the money goes towards an actual event like a day camp or a very special activity & you can not charge admission to a fundraising event.

Please note this is WITH BISHOP'S APPROVAL!!

He is under NO OBLIGATION to approve your event or fundraiser!

Ok, You only get one fundraiser per year so it's gotta be great! 

Here is a fun list of ones that wards have done!

1. Pancakes with Santa- This is a free event you just put out a few tithing slips, pens and envelopes for a quick discreet donation. Watch cute scouts flip a few hot cakes and pass of requirements while doing so. Snap pictures with Santa. win/win

2. Recycle Cans- You can have families save and bring all their cans to pack night every month. You can have this as your only fundraiser but have the whole year (or until your event that you are working towards) to keep it open and going. When the cans are turned in for money that money is then donated by the person who received it and put into a tithing slip envelope in the section "other". You then write in what it is for.

3. Mother's Day fundraiser: A cookie, a rose in a vase and delivery for $10. We love this one! Don't forget, there is an initial cost to put this one together. Always council with your finance clerk on how best to pull it off. Usually he can reimburse you for your out of pocket expense once the fundraiser is over.

Ps. Make sure all the food is sealed in plastic baggies, don't just hand someone an unwrapped cookie! ( may need a food handler's license if you do the baking.)

4. Father's Day Fundraiser: This is my favorite! It's a tie and a cookie for $10. This one is usually pretty good, we raked in $500 but there is a $200 up front initial cost for these items.

Again, always council with your finance clerk on how best to pull it off. Usually he can reimburse you for your out of pocket expense on the items sold once the fundraiser is over. I like to use but you can be creative! Have someone home sew them, go goodwill hunting, find a bulk item purchase online. If you do order a bulk online, do it early! A rough estimate will be needed. You could say "we purchased 50, first come first serve" or you could just guess then if your under what you need, fill it in with local store ties.

5. Scout Popcorn sales:  

Check with your local district in your council on this and then go here:

6. Flag fundraiser: This is not my personal favorite mostly because of the up front cost to buy all the poles and flags ($500 in most cases). You sell $40 prescriptions to members of your ward and then you get the boys (but normally it ends up being the leaders) put up flags on certain holidays which usually are:  

  1. Flag Day, June 14,  

  2. Independence Day, July 4

  3. Memorial Day (half-staff until noon*), the last Monday in May

  4. Labor Day, first Monday in September,   

  5. Veterans Day, November 11

Make sure you follow proper flag etiquette:

7. Bake Sale Fundraiser: This works best made by supervision of someone who has a food handlers license in a pet free environment. It can cost next to zero if you have the boys each bring an ingredient or two. Just send around a sign up and start baking!

8. Mother & Son's cake bake and silent auction- If you have willing hands to help you can have a silent auction. They work by putting out tables with items in baskets to auction. You can auction off homemade cakes and whatever else you wish. You just put a clip board & a pen in front of each item and let the auction begin. Some wards do this during a fun event like Pinewood derby or Blue 'n Gold. Dad had all the fun making the derby car let mom help bake something, obviously with the scout's help....right.....??

9. Christmas Trees – deliver and/or dispose (in many cases Scouts get orders to size of tree wanted and actually go and cut trees). Depending on area and market trees could sell from $40-$100 so 50 orders could be anywhere from $2K-$5k less cost of trees.

10. Youth Talent show and Dinner-  Much like the Breakfast with Santa, this is a free event you just put out a few tithing slips, pens and envelopes for a quick discreet donation. Watch cute scouts do skits, sing songs, dance, act and pass of requirements while doing so. Snap pictures. win/win  In FACT, you could add in a silent auction.

So that's is my 2 cents!

Remember not every one will be approved to do these events and this might surprise you but  the great news is...


 Please leave me a comment if you have an idea to add or you have a question!


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New Stake Primary Presidents

Just called as a Stake Primary President?

Then this post is for you!!

Firstly, this is awesome and just trust the Lord that you can do this!!

Here is some helpful suggestions that I have from my own experience:

What you may want to do...

1. Read Handbook 2-
Yes, you already did this? OK, now do it often, maybe everyday for a few months. 

2. Submit your councilor and secretary names:
A rule of thumb is to ask for name suggestions and try not to pull all from the same ward if you can help it. If you are in over your head you can request that your High Councilor contact ward Bishops for their suggestions. Pray and read your scriptures the answers will come. You can do this!

3.Once your ladies are called:
CALL THEM!! IF they call you the second they are called, that's totally ok, but for sure you need to call them on the phone the day they are called!! Don't wait! Introduce yourself and let them know when the first meeting will be and if there is any immediate needs coming up like Day Camps, Auxiliary Training or COR baptisms. (Child of Record)

4. Plan a head for your first meeting!!
Email your items of topic to your new secretary. (If you don't yet have one that's ok you make the notes yourself.) Email or call to make meeting assignments. Its always best if you arrive 15 mins early so you can feel prepared and calm. Always invite your High Councilman to every meeting, even if he can't always come.

The agenda could include:

  1. Opening Prayer- by assignment
  2. Thought -by you (2-3 minutes. You usual "go to" will be the prophetic priorities meaning recent conference talks)
  3. Training from handbook 2 - (5 mins or less)- by assignment
  4. Introductions:  First, let everyone know what time you'd like the meeting to end so they can help you end on time. Then, starting with you give a short 5 mins or less introduction about yourself, then go around the room.
  5. Establish role assignments: for example a typical American Stake would have: 11 yr olds, Activity Days, Cub Scouts. I love 11 yr olds so I was over that and then I assigned out the other two assignments to my councilors. Usually you do not assign more than one per person. Please remember this is up to your discretion. Feel free to delegate as you see fit.
  6. Calendar items: Usually have 3-6 months of dates at a time on your agenda so you know what is happening next. Don't forget to add in things like monthly BSA Unit Commissioner's meetings and monthly district BSA Roundtable if you have those in your area. COR baptisms should always be listed. 
  7. Further decisions and event planing. Try to do these one at a time. Come up with your theme and your assignments. This is also the time to discuss budget. Discuss when the next meeting will be.
  8. Closing prayer- by assignment

So here is the tricky part:

As a rule of thumb you want your meetings to be short and effective. It's your job to keep this meeting moving along in a timley manner. Give yourself a time limit of 1 hour. If you go slightly over that is ok but...

--> That's poor time management and you are taking women out of their homes for too long. You will find that the more you pre-plan for your meeting the more quick and effective it can become. 

You got GABBERS ? That's OK! Be kind but then tell them, "Ok ladies, We need to move on."

Hope this helps!! 

Now go have some fun!! 
  • update your LDS TOOLS profile picture and contact information
  • bring a treat to your first meeting
  • Ask if you can be present for each councilor's setting apart
  • give everyone a BIG HUG!!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Girl's Activity Days Stake Day Camp!!

Well It was AMAZING so it's only fair I share what my Stake Primary Presidency did for our Activity Day girls for our Stake Day Camp!!

We decided to go with a pioneer theme!

It was a blast! 

In the Trail Blazers Class we made journals and talked about leaving a legacy for others by keeping a journal.

In the Kitchen Class we had a teacher teach how to make bread and talk about kitchen safety.

In the Divine Nature Class we talked about our divine nature and made a positive qualities board and stamped a leather bracelet.

In the Fuel the Find Class we had Sis.Lee teach the girls how to index. The each sat 2-4 to a computer and helped decipher the writing while also listening to pioneer heritage.

 In the Scared Sacrament Class we learned about the importance of the sacrament and how we can serve those around us. We listened to the story by Sis.Lanter how one young woman helped saved her Sacrament by sitting by her and helping her with her kids while her husband was at work week after week. Then the girls made temple puzzles, a quite game to help children be quiet during the sacrament.

At the end we served lunch and invited the missionaries to play a game with us. They had to learn how to patiently over come trials by putting a panty hose on their head and swinging it to knock down cups.

Then we listened as a young woman, Sis.Mongane told us about being a pioneer. Her family was from Kenya as a refugees. She suffered lots of hard ships and she was only 4 or 5 years older than these girls were and they really had their eyes opened to how good their lives are in comparison and how in desperate times the gospel was a light that drew them in and found them peace.

All in all it was a perfect day!!

Hope you enjoyed!

 IF you have an idea or a question leave me a comment below!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Stake or Ward Mission Call Adventure

Have you ever heard of a Mission Call Adventure

 It's an event where you send lots of little Primary kiddos to "Missions", (classes) all about that specific mission.  

(IF you don't know what a mission is click here: .)

Okay so lets start sharing the details of this epic adventure!

Step 1. Ask for permission to hold the event & then round up former missionaries to teach the classes.

 ALWAYS: Ask the Bishop or a Bishopric member for names they might suggest.  
PLEASE, don't just go around asking for volunteers off the cuff. Members you might think have served a mission may in fact did not and you don't want to bring up something that could be a painful reminder. Also, not every person who served should be teaching children. A recommendation is the best for success.

Step 2. Set a date, Schedule the building and Send out the requests

I like a formal in person or in voice contact WITH a detailed email so that after the contact is over they have all the information they will ever need to know. 
(I will attach my generic email at the bottom of this post that you can build from.)

Step 3. Round up Helpers! 

 You need a music leader and a pianist or a Primary music CD and about 4 volunteers to man the check in desk. Make sure you ask at least 2 priesthood members to help you clean up and lock up.

Step 4. Send out fliers and reminders!! 

Hit the ward bulletins and give small 1/4 page hand outs.

Here is a Banner I had printed for the out side picture taking area together with a giant map.

Step 5. Pregame Set Up! 

Get yourself there an hour early. Set up chairs in the cultural hall and create a check in desk. Have the teachers arrive 30 minutes early to set up.
As the kids come in and they are distributed evenly among the classes by utilizing several clip boards with the numbered amount the mission room holds. They write the child's name on a name tag and on the clip board showing which class they will be in. The name tag works best when it is color coded as some kids will forget which mission was assigned to them. They then go into the cultural hall to sing songs with the music leader until the event formally begins.

 Step 6. Begin the Event, in the MTC!

The missionary training center begins in the cultural hall. You always start off with a song and a prayer!! At some point you MUST sing Called to Serve. Give an MTC training session by explaining the event, what will happen and then the rules. Explain what happens when there is a problem or emergency situation. Share with them your testimony. Be heartfelt and sincere. You can even ask to have the full-time missionaries in your area give them a 2-3 minute pep talk. 
 (Short because generally with Primary kids, the larger the crowd the shorter the attention span because of all the distractions.)
The Teachers of the Missions will also be in the gym too and you will ask them to come up one by one. 
You will say, 
"All those with a pink name tag, your flight to Japan with Sis. Lee is now boarding."

Then have them line up behind the teacher. The teacher will instruct them to put their arms out like the plane wings and they will proceed to fly to the classroom.
Then repeat until the gym is empty.

Step 7. Make sure they get home safely.

Have the teachers help with this. Feel free to involve the young men and young women in your ward or stake.


Email for teachers: Just copy and paste!

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

If you are reading this then someone told me that you might be willing to teach Primary aged kids in our stake about your mission experience!!
Step 1. Check your schedule and see if Saturday, **Insert DATE**, 1pm to 3pm is open for you.
Step 2. Evaluate if this is something you would be willing to do by reading the itinerary below.
Step 3. Reply yes or no to this email before March 23rd (and remind me where you served.)

Thanks so very much,
*insert your name*

--------READ BELOW,--------------- THEN REPLY BACK !!---------------------

Our Primary is having its annual Mission Call Adventure for all Primary ages kids!!
If you are receiving this email it's because you are valiantly willing to teach 2 rotating classes about your mission on:

**Insert DATE**- 1pm to 3pm at the Stake building

THANK YOU for being willing to teach the primary children about the importance of going on a mission! 

Who can go: All primary age Children 5 to 11. (3 & 4 yr olds must be accompanied by an adult.)
Where: Stake Building
What is happening: 
Children will receive a mission call to a certain mission. (Name tag sticker). They will meet together in the gym for songs and short MTC training, then be escorted to one of the 7 or 8 missions. They will listen and participate in a 40 minute class. Then they can go home!

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm: -Brenner Pass, Sierra Vista, Mountain Vista
  *** after class you have a 20 min break to help with pick up ***
2:00 pm to 3:00 pm- Skyline, Stone Creek, Morning Sun
***Your class begins at 2:20***

You will be teaching a 40 min class!! Don't freak out on how to do this! I've got a plan!! I bet you will tell me afterwards it wasn't long enough time!!

Detailed Itinerary:

1. The assignment of where they will "go" will be handed out as they come into the building so class size will be distributed evenly but unable to go over that certain room's capacity. They will also be given an official looking name tag sticker! (From my past experience I expect about 1/4 of each primary to attend so I doubt we will be at a busting full capacity.) We will encourage parents to dress up kids but will not require it. 
2. We will gather together in the cultural hall, where we will sing songs until the opening  prayer and then sing "Called to Serve". After we offer a small lesson the children will line up to board their "flight" and follow you to your class!
The time break down will be on a sheet hanging up in your assigned room, (please bring something to watch the time on!)
4. After your class, the children will go to the east foyer for parent pick up. Please help with this by making sure all kids get back to their parent. After this come join us in the gym and get ready to grab your last group.
5. Repeat 4 again and then you are Done!

Your 40 minute Class!! :

(-Here's my suggestions, feel free to make your own plan)

A. First 5 minutes:
-Welcome to the place!!
Items to Discuss: climate - daily life- culture - income - clothing - differences/similarities of here to there - language/accents - leisure activities on P-day- ect.

B. Main 20 minutes:
Mission slide show, pictures (8x10's or larger are seen better!!), lds hymn in another language, or a short language lesson:
A perfect slide show example can be found :
I can not guarantee you will get a tv, or even internet connection so just make sure you make your own arrangements if you want to do this.
I also encourage you to share hand outs or other things that they can have if you'd like. I'm really flexible on this. Bring everything you have from your mission and show it off!

C. Fun 5 minutes:
Physical activity: Bring your own "investigator", do charades, play a game, stick a short sentence with a picture on the underside of the chairs and have kids share what they find under their chairs as if it "happened" to them on the mission and ask what they would do about it. (ie: something funny or heart warming or a problem you encountered.) There are only 1 million ideas...use the internet!!

D. Ending 10 minutes:
Wrap up, SHARE TESTIMONY!! Share stories, share the Spirit!! Use the SCRIPTURES!!!  Your purpose is to excite and promote mission service!
---PLEASE---> leave out scary or negative stories!!!

ALL room assignments are:

  1. Relief Society Room -80 seats- color code RED - Sis. Code- France
  2. Primary Room - 70 seats- color code-ORANGE -Sis. Lee- Japan
  3. 2 Young Men's Rooms - 30 seats - color code- GREEN- Bro.Johnson- Brazil
  4. Young Women's Room -50 seats -color code YELLOW - Sis.Shumway- Alabama- 
  5. Stage - 45 seats- color code BLUE - Bro. Cluff - South Africa
  6. 2 Rooms North of Primary - 30 seats- color code BROWN Bro. Bury- Moscow, Russia-
  7. 2 Nursery Rooms near Gym - 20 seats -color code PURPLE -Bro. Rosen- Spain
  8. 1 Young Mens's Room SW corner - 20 seats - color code PINK -Sis. Hale- Germany
If you have further questions ask away!! If you need ideas or decorating tips please don't hesitate to ask!! If you need to back out I won't be upset just let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!!

 Here is a sample sign in: Just make sure you distribute kiddos evenly between the missions.
Leave a Comment if you have done this adventure and what worked well for you!

Printables name tags for the Mission Call Adventure

Thursday, April 7, 2016


SO I was seriously tired of boys who would frequently head into 12 years old only having Tenderfoot. Killing me! In our area there is so much growth and movement and with this there is epic overachiever leaders contrasted by leaders who day one had no interest or understanding of 11 yr olds Scouts.

INVITE ALL BOYS 11 and up to come to my CLINIC.

What is this you say?

I'm glad you asked!! 

You invite all the boys 11 and older to come to participate in one of 3 options

1. a trail to 1st class series of 4 rotating classes
2. a First Aid merit badge
3. an Orienteering merit badge

The ONLY way to pull this off is to have each ward register the number of boys and options they will decide to do with your presidency...but I'm putting the cart before the horse. Lets go to the steps my presidency took to get here!

Speak to your high councilor and pitch the idea. If he is ok with it call up the YM president and pitch the idea to him. You need both to approve your idea and support you!

Set up a formal meeting with your Primary Presidency the Young Men's presidency. 
The meeting starts with a prayer and your high councilor will be in charge of the meeting and he will turn the time over to you for you to explain your idea and make plans. After this you really can do the rest by communicating through email or phone calls.

As you plan for teachers to teach a class, name generating always comes up. Sometimes this can be hard. You can ask permission from your high Councilor if you can contact Bishop's and get name recommendations. (In a few Stakes, this job is entirely handled by a high councilman.) 
In any case, keep both yourself and the Young Men's President free from teaching a class if you can.

 You are at your events to run them and oversee them. When a major problem happens you need to be free to respond accordingly. Besides, someone has to give the 5 minute warning knocks and take a few memory pictures right!?! 
BUT, Feel free though to offer the opening and closing devotional.

I mean just look at this emergency when a snake tried to eat my winner's list for best orienteering ward!!! -->just kidding, Kahn was our special guest!

STEP FOUR:  Publicize! 

POSTERS, EMAILS, BULLETINS, Ward Social Media!! I can DIRECTLY correlate my success of attendance to this step. 
That $5 poster is worth its weight in gold! SPREAD THE WORD!!

2 emails are needed:
1. The invitation
2. The follow up

Here is a sample of "THE FOLLOW UP" email:

Good Evening!

I am just double checking on registration.
Please register right away if you haven't yet by simply replying to this email!
Please forward this email to anyone we are missing!

Here is what we have on the books so far:
  • Morning Sun:  10 boys Trail to First Class, 3 Orienteering, 3 First Aid (Must bring own First aid kits)
  • Skyline: 18 boys Trail to First Class
  • San Tan Heights: 6 Trail to First Class
  • Brenner Pass: 9 boys Trail to First Class
  • Mountain Vista:
  • Sierra Vista:
  • Stone Creek:

We are just missing a few more and there still is time to sign up!
  1. Bring the signed Photo permission slips
  2. Plan a Lunch and submit a plate to the cook off (bring your own food and camp stove of any kind)
  3. Bring a Blue Card signed by SM for those attending Merit badge option 

Here is a sample of "THE INVITATION" EMAIL:

Your Stake Primary Presidency has combined its forces with the Stake Young Men's Presidency to provide an 11 yr old day camp with a TWIST, invite 12 yr olds and older!!
Trail to First Class <~ or ~> Merit Badges!
Sat. Feb. 20th,
9am to 1pm

We are offering this so that those who are behind have a chance to take classes to catch up and those who are light years ahead can go for merit badges!!
YOU MUST REGISTER for this. LET US KNOW RIGHT AWAY,  what option you plan to do!

Here is the schedule:

  • Option 1)  Trail to First Class: Knots & Lashings, Fire & Knife, Orienteering, First Aid
  • Option 2)  First Aid Merit Badge (required that trail to 1st class, First Aid has already been completed prior to)
  • Option 3) Orienteering Merit Badge (required that trail to 1st class Orienteering has already been completed prior to)
Please let us know which of the three options you will be attending with your group. If you have a circumstance where boys want to split up the rule is one leader minimum per option.

Please let us know at your earliest convenience.
Attached is our flier and class schedule.
If you have any questions please email or call!
Thank you for all you do!


I usually have me and my councilors oversee one class and the secretary be over lunch. You can do it how ever best fits your presidency. By "OVERSEE" I mean you find the teacher, and help make sure they have all that they need for the class. Do they need rope? Bring some rope. Simple! 

Set up the night before as best as you can. Make your copies of handouts teachers might need!
Get that check in desk ready to go so you can just pull it outside in the morning.
(The photo release I use was posted in the cub day camp post.) 

Well, you need to know who showed up in case of emergency situations!! Plus you can evaluate numbers of who showed up. If a ward doesn't show, you will know.
Always make sure that the SCHEDULE is posted in each class and can be clearly seen!!

Also, invite Priests to come help teach. Try to avoid making them the sole teachers. You will certainly eventually get left with a forgetful teen who slept in and no one to teach!! 

This picture is a PURE EXAMPLE of the joy of including the PRIESTS! 
The Priest in the center has autism yet he was able to read the opening devotional. The 11 yr olds were very respectful. They had 2 Young Men leaders there to help just in case.
Several wards had boys who listened to these nice high school role models and saw first hand that Scouting was something to be proud of. It was superb!! 


He will make up the difference! I asked our member of the Stake Presidency over Primary to open at our flag ceremony with a few words. It was done on the spot but it was so perfect.  
I gave a devotional and I felt such peace!
The flag was done by 11 yr old scouts but I have had the YM presidency or priests do it also.
It doesn't have to be perfect just do your best.
With each event I have done, I have learned something I could do better! 

I always have devotionals in each class and score cards for teachers to find who did best. I do a short awards ceremony at the end. Emphasis on SHORT!!

I'm not fully giving you every single detail of what we had for lunch (which was yummy subs & chips) or what awards I did because I would write for 20 years and you would never read all of it!!! 


TRUST IN THE LORD that as you TRY HARD things will work out!
